Become the Director of Your Life's Next Chapter with Reinvention Studio Lab
Are you a creative, coach, consultant, speaker, or author? You may think you're in completely different businesses, but at Reinvention Studio Lab, we know better. As creatives, coaches, and consultants, we're all in the business of making others aware of what's possible and helping them make it a reality. We're here to help you build a stronger, more resilient, and competition-proof business so you can best serve the people you love working with and build a life that makes you happy. Whether you're a writer, artist, coach, or consultant, our cutting-edge resources, personalized guidance, and supportive community are here to help you take your business to the next level. Let's reinvent together and create a life and business that reflects your passion, purpose, and unique talents. Join us today and get ready to make your dreams a reality!
GET STARTEDDevelop a clear, actionable plan to turn your creative dreams into a profitable, sustainable business
- Develop your communication skills
- Build your skills
- Advance a growth mindset
- Learn to create clients whenever you need

The 30-Day "Your Prosperity Permit" Coaching Program
Kickstart your soon-to-be creative studio with a thirty day intensive study on how to reinvent yourself and be the confident self-leader you've always wanted to be.
Level Up Your Studio Skills
Our comprehensive blog has everything you need to better understand your creative business (or soon-to-be business) and plan for the future.
I'm Scott Markowitz
I'm the owner of Ryan & Scott Media, here in beautiful Naples, Florida.
Starting amidst the Covid-19 lockdown, and without knowing a soul in Naples, I've grown from absolute zero income to running a six-figure business in two years.
After graduating from college with a degree in Communications, It all started for me as a film editor and media manager at CNN. As a Senior Session Editor for Alkemy-X, I won awards for some of the thousands of TV commercials and high-end corporate films/videos that I edited. Also, as a serial achiever, I was the lead editor for a list of TV shows, including Bar Hunters, Food Feuds, Restaurant: Impossible, and Dinner: Impossible, where I'm also the show’s co-creator.
Of course, I wasn't satisfied with all that, so I also had a run being Director of Post Production for an advertising agency. That's what I was doing when the pandemic hit, and I found myself out of a job.
Being laid off, notwithstanding, all that experience did come with a fair amount of pain and struggle. It wasn't always pretty (in my head, that is.)
So, after a very storied career, I have learned to blend my broadcast experience and agency-level service to provide local and remote business clients with effective visual marketing materials that help them sell better and faster.
Also, along the way, I have learned to become a powerful self-leader who has been blessed with the ability to shape my own life, master my own shortcomings and teach others to do the same. From network news to post-production, to advertising, and to running my own photography and video production company, you could say that I've become an expert at reinventing myself.
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It's Your Road Map To A Successful Photo/Video Business
Take control and create a business that you love.
Check Out The Blog
The Reinvention Studio Lab
Learn the basics of starting and managing your own photo/video business with this 6-week course.

Reinvention Master Mind
A group of other creative cats who are dedicated to everyone's success.
Get My 30-Day Prosperity Permit.
The first step towards having your own photography and/or video business! This FREE coaching program was designed to help you get started and build a solid foundation on which to build the creative services business that you've always wanted. True creative freedom and the ability to create your own profitable, prosperous business in 30 emails or less.
You're safe with me. I'll never spam you or sell your contact info.