$1,747.00 USD

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Reinvention Studio Lab

Your complete system for starting your photography and/or video business and creating a happy fulfilling life.

What you'll get:

  • 6-week training program
  • Complete system for starting a business 
    • Your Business Bedrock
      • Foundations First
      • F.O.C.U.S. On Winning
      • Money Talks 
      • Accounting For Creatives
    • My Burrito Sales Process
      • What Is a Sales Burrito
      • Ingredients Of A Great Offer
      • Pricing Your Offer (Budgeting)
      • How To Sell Without Feeling Icky About It
    • Developing Your Process and Procedures 
      • Advanced Photography Workflow
      • Advanced Video Workflow
      • Outsourcing and Hiring
      • Going Beyond This Course
  • Access to the Reinvention Studio Lab community
  • Bonuses
    • Budgeting
    • Group Calls Library
    • Photography Tutorials
    • Video Tutorials